Special Funny Female Medicines
Author: akhilesh
This article presents very funny female medicines.These funny female medicines are as follows:
Dami Toll
Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 6 hours.
St. Mom’s Kort
It is a Plant extract that treats mom’s depression by making pre Schoolers unconscious for up to 2 hours.
Empty Gestrogen
Highly effective suppository that eliminates melancholy by enhancing the memory of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn’t wait till they moved out.
Pepto Simbo
Liquid silicone for single women. It increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and improves flirting.
When taken with Pepto Simbo, it can cause low IQ causing enjoyment of music.
Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and flipping off other drivers.
Anti Boytiks
It is highly effective in improving grades, freeing up phone lines, and reducing money spent on make-up.
It is Potent antiboyotic for older women. Increases resistance to such lines as, “You make me want to be a better person… can we get naked now?”
It is a Injectable stimulant. It is generally taken before shopping. It Increases duration of spending spree and potency.
BuyOne all
When combined with Vuyagra, can cause an indiscriminate buying frenzy so severe the victim may even come home with a Donny Osmond CD or an Anna Nicole Smith exercise video.
Jack Aspirin
It Relieves headache caused by a man who can’t remember your birthday, anniversary or phone number or something important.
Article from :
Optical Illusions
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/humor-articles/special-funny-female-medicines-208834.html
About the Author:
Akhilesh kumar
admin of FunnyJunk